Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bleacher Seats and the Freezing Heat

The pod is alive and kicking at 12:30 in the morning. I kind of feel like Zach Braff's character in Garden State sitting on the couch buzzed out while the world spirals around him in crazy circles. This is a rare time when all the lights are on, I'm getting tired, and yet I'm thinking about how weird and amazing it is that it is Mid February, and for the first time in a long time I'm happy day-to-day in the winter.

Call me crazy but I think its the lacrosse. When I think of lacrosse I think of spring, the melting snow and the new boughs and buds. The smell of pine and mud. Those are my spring memories. My birthday means waking up early just for a game. It did all through high school, and it will again this year. But I wouldn't have it any other way. So as much as I want that special someone, I know I have my special something(s). Those cannot be taken away from me. They cannot stand me up on a date, or break up with me via cell phone or facebook.

So if you know an athlete, an artist, a dancer, anyone who is performing, go watch them. See their craft. Observe the rawness of their work for all it is. Cheer them. Make them signs. Give them flowers, whatever they  prefer. Personally, just waiting outside the locker room to talk to me is enough. Just knowing you showed up is enough. What I'm trying to say is support. Give them not only a fan section but a drive to get better. Positive energy is overlooked far too often.

I hope I see you in the stands,


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